

Students who major in art will study the history, 艺术理论与文化, manipulate structures of design in the Center for Visual 艺术s studios and critically analyze works of art.

  • Augustana provides a community of artists who are passionate and e年龄r to help others grow into careers. 
  • State-of-the-art facilities are always available, and 教授 regularly work alongside students in the studios.

艺术的学生 curate exhibits at the 艾德/ Dalrymple画廊 and work with the permanent collection of more than 3,000 pieces.










的 university is proud to announce that the Augustana 艺术部门 has presented its highest award — the Harold Spitzn年龄l Medal for Achievement in 艺术 — to Augustana student Gracie Korstjens ‘24 and Augustana faculty member John Henry Peters ‘76. 的 two were awarded the prestigious medal during the opening reception of the Augustana Senior Show at the 艾德/ Dalrymple画廊 on Friday, 4月26日.

的 艾德/ Dalrymple画廊 at Augustana University opens “的 Augustana Senior Show,” which will be on view from Thursday, 4月25日, 到周六, 5月18日, Augustana’s commencement day. A gallery reception will be held on Friday, 4月26日, from 7-9 p.m., with awards and artist talks at 7:30 p.m.  

的 艾德/ Dalrymple画廊 at Augustana University opens “猜想: Tom Rickers,” which will be on view from Thursday, 3月21日, 到周五, 4月19日. A gallery reception will be on Friday, March 22, from 7-9 p.m. with a talk 由 artist at 7:30 p.m.




Many art graduates secure employment as commissioned fine artists, 创意总监, 动画师, 架构师, 平面设计师, 教授, historians and museum curators.


实习 机会 包括:

  • 大都会艺术博物馆
  • Koch Hazard建筑师事务所
  • Curator or archivist at the 西方研究中心 (CWS)
  • Graphic design at Fresh Produce
  • 艺术 therapist at Sanford or Avera 健康

艺术的学生 研究了 in:

  • India — focusing on 宗教, art, and sound with AU faculty
  • France — focusing on anthropology and rock art with AU faculty
  • London, England, or New York City, New York — focusing on art history with AU faculty
  • Worldwide through the Upper Midwest Association for Intercultural Education (UMAIE)

Augustana is a founding member of the Higher Education Consortium on Urban Affairs (HECUA), through which the university participates in rigorous off-campus learning through 以艺术促社会变革.

课程 & 组织

的 program stresses foundations in drawing and design as a basis for all art-making processes, with strong components in community learning and peer critiques.

Undergraduate art majors can choose between a Bachelor of Fine 艺术s or Bachelor of 艺术s with multiple tracks:

  • 艺术 education — prepare to teach at elementary and secondary levels
  • 艺术 history — practice evaluating and reflecting on the ways of seeing and representing the world, dictated by culture and time period
  • Ceramics — shape, glaze and fire clay free-form and wheel-thrown forms
  • Drawing — establish conceptual framework and foundation for all other studio areas
  • Graphic design — design digitally with the latest Adobe software in the Mac lab
  • Painting — develop original expression in painting techniques
  • Photography — learn conceptual, aesthetic and visual tools of digital photography
  • Printmaking — master intaglio, lithography, screenprinting, woodcut and wood engraving
  • Sculpture — sculpt using modeling and mold-making in plaster and clay, 雕刻, 建设, 组合, 石雕, 青铜铸件, 焊接金属, plastics and contemporary movements